Monday, October 15, 2012

They Say She's Only Sitting With Him Because She Has To...

Made by Lily of The Victorian Fans

(Note.. I have not seen BBC Robin Hood, so I don't actually know why Marian and Guy are in this scene together.  The post title may be inaccurate-- if anyone with more knowledge wishes to enlighten me, feel free to do so!)


Caroline L. said...

Actually, your title is spot on! But, is that quote really from the Scarlet Pimpernel??? B/c I cannot remember anyone saying that in the movie...I think Frank Churchill says that about the Eltons in know, at Box Hill?

Mal said...

Your title is pretty good! You should totally watch Robin Hood - it's a great TV show!

RinskiiJoy said...

LOL! :D I love this a lot. You should really see BBC Robin Hood. I've seen the whole series like, three times. :D Cute blog!! <3 following!

Lady Lukrecja said...

Oh, Richard! :)

Miss Dashwood said...

Oops! I think you're right! How silly of me! I was thinking it was from the garden party scene in TSP, where everyone's making remarks about Percy and Marguerite (hence the spoof on "they say she only married him for his money"). But now that I think about it, you're right-- it DOES come from Emma. I'll change the label straightaway!