Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas is a Time of Joy and Wonder...

My family has recently become rather addicted to Bored Shorts' YouTube videos-- I'd highly recommend almost all of them! (And when I say almost all, I don't mean that any are inappropriate--just that some are not as funny as others.)  This video explores the true meaning of Christmas, as told by a group of children and acted out by their parents.


Hayden said...

ahhhhh!!! YOU KNOW ABOUT THESE VIDEOS??? I love these, and this is one of my favorites! We quote them constantly...

my dad's favorite is the healthy food one, and whenever we have to eat something we don't want he says "it will make you big and strong..."

Anonymous said...

Watched this with my relatives who hadn't seen it before the other night. Let's just say they were rolling on the floor - as was I! (We were sitting on the floor at the time, so it made sense...)

Bored Shorts is amazing. : )


Melody said...

Hahaha. Weren't you going to send me one of these??
I think 'twould actually be funnier if it didn't randomly show the kids... and was just all the big people... I mean, it could just show the kids at the end or something.

Alexandra said...

I love these vids soooo much!

And Melody...if you go on their channel, their Kid Snippets (which are like short Kid Historys) are all adults...and pretty funny. :)